50 Essential jQuery Interview Questions and Answers

50 Essential jQuery Interview Questions and Answers

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Apr 16, 2024 06:23 PM IST | #Javascript

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies the process of working with HTML documents, handling events, creating animations, and more. For anyone preparing for a jQuery interview, a solid understanding of its concepts and applications is essential. In this article, we will dive into the top 50 jQuery interview questions, spanning the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. We will also include bonus questions for further exploration. Read more to learn about online Javascript courses.

This Story also Contains
  1. Basic jQuery Interview Questions
  2. Intermediate jQuery Interview Questions
  3. Javascript Certification Courses by Top Providers
  4. Advanced jQuery Interview Questions
  5. Bonus Section - UI jQuery Interview Questions
  6. Conclusion
50 Essential jQuery Interview Questions and Answers
50 Essential jQuery Interview Questions and Answers

Basic jQuery Interview Questions

Given below are some basic jQuery interview questions for freshers:

Q.1 What is jQuery, and why is it used in web development?

jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML document manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions. It is widely used to enhance user experience and streamline web development.

Q.2 How do you include jQuery in a web page?

You can include jQuery in a web page using the <script> tag, either by downloading the library and hosting it locally or by referencing a hosted version from a content delivery network (CDN).

Q.3 What is the purpose of the .attr() method in jQuery?

The .attr() method in jQuery serves the dual purpose of retrieving and altering attributes of HTML elements. This versatile method allows you to access and manipulate attributes such as "src," "href," or even custom attributes. Whether you need to fetch the current attribute value or dynamically modify it, .attr() proves indispensable for manipulating element attributes seamlessly in your web development projects.

Q.4 What is event delegation in jQuery, and why is it important?

Event delegation in jQuery involves attaching an event handler to a parent element rather than individual child elements. This is crucial for optimising performance and simplifying code, especially when dealing with dynamically added elements. By capturing events at the parent level, you reduce the number of event listeners, which can lead to improved efficiency in your web applications.

Q.5 What is the purpose of the $(document).ready() function in jQuery?

This is one of the common jQuery interview questions. The $(document).ready() function ensures that code within it is executed only when the DOM is fully loaded and ready to be manipulated, preventing errors due to premature access.

Q.6 How do you select an element with a specific ID using jQuery?

To select an element with a specific ID, you can employ the jQuery selector, $("#elementID"). This syntax targets the HTML element with the unique identifier, "elementID," allowing for precise manipulation, such as altering its content, style, or behaviour.

Q.7 What is the difference between $(this) and $(document) in jQuery?

In jQuery, $(this) pertains to the current element within a loop or event handler, granting access to its properties and enabling context-specific actions. Conversely, $(document) refers to the entire HTML document, offering a broader scope for operations like event binding or global document manipulation. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for effective jQuery scripting.

Q.8 What is the significance of the dollar sign ($) in jQuery?

The dollar sign ($) is an alias for the jQuery library. It is used as a shorthand notation to reference jQuery methods and objects.

Q.9 How do you select all elements of a specific HTML tag using jQuery?

To select all elements of a specific HTML tag, you can use the $("tagName") selector, replacing "tagName" with the desired HTML tag name.

Q.10 What is the purpose of the .text() method in jQuery?

This is one of the important jQuery interview questions and answers for freshers. The .text() method is used to get or set the text content of an element. It can be used to read or update the text within an HTML element.

Q.11 Explain the difference between the .html() and .text() methods in jQuery.

The .html() method retrieves or sets the HTML content of an element, including any HTML tags within it, while the .text() method deals only with the text content, stripping HTML tags.

Q.12 How can you add a CSS class to an element using jQuery?

To add a CSS class to an element using jQuery, employ the .addClass() method. This method allows you to select an element and append one or more CSS classes to it dynamically. It's particularly useful for altering the styling or behavior of elements on the fly, enhancing the flexibility and interactivity of your web applications.

Intermediate jQuery Interview Questions

Given below are the jQuery interview questions and answers for freshers as well as experienced professionals:

Q.13 What is event propagation, and how does it relate to event handling in jQuery?

Event propagation refers to the order in which events are processed as they travel through the DOM. In jQuery, you can control event propagation using methods like .stopPropagation() and .stopImmediatePropagation().

Q.14 How can you create a custom animation using the .animate() method in jQuery?

To create a custom animation with .animate(), you specify CSS properties and their target values, along with a duration and easing function. For example: $(element).animate({left: '300px'}, 1000, 'linear').

Q.15 How can you show and hide an element using jQuery?

This is one of the frequently asked jQuery interview questions for freshers. You can use the .show() and .hide() methods to display and hide elements, respectively.

Q.16 What is event delegation in jQuery?

Event delegation involves attaching an event handler to a parent element that will listen for events triggered by its child elements. This optimises performance and simplifies code for dynamically added elements.

Q.17 Explain the difference between .empty() and .remove() in jQuery.

The .empty() method removes the child elements and content of an element, while the .remove() method removes the element itself, including its content and associated event handlers.

Also Read:

Q.18 How do you create a fadeIn animation effect in jQuery?

To create a fadeIn animation effect in jQuery, employ the .fadeIn() method. This function smoothly reveals an element by progressively increasing its opacity, making it transition from invisible to fully visible. It's a popular choice for adding subtle and elegant entrance effects to elements in web applications and pages.

Q.19 What is AJAX, and how is it used in jQuery?

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) allows data to be retrieved from a server without requiring a page refresh. jQuery provides methods like .ajax() and .get() to facilitate AJAX requests.

Q.20 What is event propagation in jQuery, and how does it work?

This is one of the important jQuery interview questions and answers that you must practice. Event propagation in jQuery refers to the order in which events are handled as they move through the DOM tree. It includes two phases: capturing phase and bubbling phase.

Q.21 What is event.preventDefault() used for in jQuery?

The event.preventDefault() method is used to prevent the default action of an event from occurring. It is often used with event handlers to stop, for example, a form submission or a link click from navigating to a new page.

Q.22 What is the purpose of the .slideToggle() method in jQuery?

The .slideToggle() method serves to toggle the visibility of an element with a sliding animation. It smoothly slides the element either up or down, providing an engaging way to hide or display content on a webpage. This method is commonly employed for creating interactive collapsible sections or menus.

Q.23 What is the purpose of the .siblings() method in jQuery?

The .siblings() method selects all sibling elements of the matched elements. It allows you to manipulate or traverse elements that share the same parent.

Q.24 How can you fade out an element over a specified duration in jQuery?

You can use the .fadeOut() method and specify the duration of the fade-out effect as an argument, like this: .fadeOut(1000) for a 1-second fade-out.

Javascript Certification Courses by Top Providers

Advanced jQuery Interview Questions

Given below are the advanced jquery interview questions for experienced individuals:

Q.25 Explain the difference between .bind(), .live(), and .on() in jQuery.

This is one of the important jQuery interview questions for experienced professionals and freshers. .bind() attaches an event handler to selected elements, .live() works similarly but for dynamically added elements, and .on() serves as a more flexible replacement for both.

Q.26 What is method chaining in jQuery and why is it useful?

Method chaining in jQuery enables the execution of multiple jQuery methods on a single selection in a sequential manner, all within a single line of code. This is facilitated by methods returning the jQuery object, allowing for more concise, readable, and efficient code. Method chaining streamlines the manipulation of DOM elements and enhances code maintainability.

Q.27 Describe the .deferred() object in jQuery.

The .deferred() object is used for handling asynchronous operations, such as AJAX requests. It provides methods like .done(), .fail(), and .always() for handling success, failure, and completion scenarios.

Q.28 What is the purpose of the .serialize() method in jQuery?

The .serialize() method is used to encode form elements as a string for easy submission to a server. It is often used with AJAX requests to send form data.

Q.29 Explain the concept of promises in jQuery, and how do they relate to AJAX?

Promises in jQuery represent the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation, such as an AJAX request. They provide a way to handle success and error cases more cleanly using methods like .then() and .catch().

Q.30 How can you perform animations one after the other in a sequence using jQuery?

This type of jQuery interview questions are frequently asked. You can achieve sequential animations by chaining .animate() methods or by using callbacks to start the next animation when the previous one completes.

Q.31 What is the purpose of the .each() function in jQuery?

The .each() function in jQuery serves as an essential iteration tool for traversing through a collection of elements, such as those selected by a jQuery selector. It enables developers to apply custom operations or logic to each element within the collection, facilitating the efficient manipulation and handling of individual elements in a web page's DOM structure.

Q.32 How do you implement a sliding panel using jQuery?

You can create a sliding panel effect using the .slideUp() and .slideDown() methods to animate the height of an element.

Q.33 Explain the concept of method chaining in jQuery.

Method chaining in jQuery involves calling multiple methods on the same element or selection in a single line of code. It works because most jQuery methods return the jQuery object, allowing for consecutive method calls.

Q.34 What is the purpose of the .animate() method in jQuery?

The .animate() method in jQuery serves the purpose of crafting bespoke animations by smoothly altering the CSS properties of an HTML element within a defined time frame. This versatile tool empowers developers to create dynamic, engaging web content, making it a fundamental asset for enhancing user experiences and adding interactive elements to websites.

Q.35 How can you make an AJAX request using the .ajax() method in jQuery?

You must practice this type of jQuery interview questions and answers. You can use the .ajax() method to make AJAX requests by specifying the URL, HTTP method, and callback functions for success and error handling.

Q.36 What is event delegation, and why is it advantageous in jQuery?

Event delegation is a technique where you attach a single event handler to a parent element to listen for events on its child elements. It is advantageous because it reduces the number of event handlers, improving performance for dynamically generated content.

Also Read:

Q.37 How can you stop an ongoing animation in jQuery?

You can stop an ongoing animation on an element using the .stop() method. It allows you to either complete the current animation or clear it based on the provided arguments.

Bonus Section - UI jQuery Interview Questions

Given below are some bonus jquery interview questions and answers to gain a better understanding:

Q.38 What is jQuery UI, and what does it offer?

jQuery UI is a comprehensive extension of the jQuery library, offering an extensive set of tools for enhancing web interfaces. It provides pre-built user interface components like buttons, dialog boxes, and date pickers, along with a variety of animations and themes, simplifying the process of creating dynamic and interactive web applications. With jQuery UI, developers can save time and effort by leveraging these ready-made components to enhance user experience and streamline web development.

Q.39 What is the purpose of the .sortable() method in jQuery UI?

The .sortable() method in jQuery UI serves a pivotal role in user interface development. It empowers web developers to effortlessly convert a static list or grid of items into a dynamic, interactive interface. By applying this method, you enable users to rearrange items effortlessly through intuitive drag-and-drop actions. This feature is particularly useful for tasks like reordering to-do list items, sorting product lists, or organising photo galleries, enhancing the overall usability and user experience of your web application.

Q.40 What is the purpose of the .sortable() method in jQuery UI?

This is one of the common jQuery interview questions for experienced individuals. The .sortable() method enables you to create lists or grids of items that can be reordered using drag-and-drop functionality.

Q.41 What is the Autocomplete widget in jQuery UI, and how is it implemented?

The Autocomplete widget in jQuery UI provides suggestions as users type into a text input field. It is implemented by applying the .autocomplete() method to the input element and providing a data source.

Q.42 How can you create a modal dialog box using jQuery UI?

To create a modal dialog box, you can use the .dialog() method on a div element containing the dialog content. You can customise its appearance and behaviour using various options.

Q.43 What is the purpose of the .accordion() method in jQuery UI, and how does it work?

The .accordion() method is used to create an accordion widget in jQuery UI. It organises content into collapsible sections, allowing only one section to be open at a time.

Q.44 Explain the difference between .fadeIn() and .slideDown() in jQuery UI.

.fadeIn() and .slideDown() in jQuery UI serve different purposes for animating elements. .fadeIn() smoothly increases an element's opacity, making it gradually visible. In contrast, .slideDown() employs an animation that alters an element's height, revealing it by expanding it from the top. These methods provide distinct visual effects for enhancing user interactions on a webpage.

Q.45 What is the significance of the .slideUp() and .slideDown() methods in jQuery?

These essential jQuery methods facilitate the creation of sliding panel effects on a web page. The .slideUp() method smoothly reduces the height of an element, hiding it from view, while the .slideDown() method animates the expansion of an element, revealing its content with a sliding motion. They are valuable for enhancing user experience and interaction in web design.

Q.46 What is the Accordion widget in jQuery UI?

The Accordion widget is a part of jQuery UI that allows you to create a collapsible and expandable content section, typically used for FAQ pages or content organisation.

Q.47 How can you implement an autocomplete feature for a text input field using jQuery UI?

To implement autocomplete functionality for a text input field, you can utilize the .autocomplete() method provided by jQuery UI. This allows users to receive suggestions or completions based on their input, enhancing the user experience and streamlining data entry.

Q.48 What is the purpose of the .resizable() method in jQuery UI?

The .resizable() method allows you to make elements resizable by dragging their edges or corners. It is useful for creating user-friendly interfaces.

Q.49 Explain the difference between .fadeIn() and .slideDown() in jQuery UI.

In jQuery UI, .fadeIn() and .slideDown() work similarly to their core jQuery counterparts, gradually revealing elements by adjusting opacity and height, respectively.

Q.50 How can you apply a theme to your jQuery UI elements?

This type of jQuery interview questions are important to remember. To apply a theme to jQuery UI elements, you need to include the appropriate jQuery UI CSS file, which defines the styles for various UI components.

Also Read:


By going through these top 50 jQuery interview questions and answers, you will be well-prepared to tackle jQuery-related interviews. Remember, combining technical knowledge with effective communication during interviews is crucial. jQuery continues to be a cornerstone of modern web development, and your proficiency in it will undoubtedly set you apart in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is jQuery still relevant in modern web development?

Yes, jQuery remains relevant due to its ease of use, wide adoption, and continued community support.

2. Should I learn jQuery before learning other JavaScript frameworks?

Learning jQuery can provide a strong foundation in DOM manipulation and basic interactivity. However, if you want complex web applications, learning React or Vue might be more beneficial.

3. Are there any drawbacks to using jQuery?

It can add extra overhead to your code and may not be necessary for simple projects. Additionally, some modern browsers provide built-in methods that replicate jQuery functionality.

4. What are some alternative libraries/frameworks to jQuery?

Some alternatives include vanilla JavaScript (ES6+), React, Vue.js, Angular, and Svelte. These frameworks offer more specialised and efficient solutions for different aspects of web development.

5. Is jQuery still widely used?

While its usage has decreased with the rise of modern frameworks, jQuery is still used extensively in existing projects and certain scenarios where its simplicity and cross-browser compatibility are advantageous.


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